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发布时间:2021-01-21 03:47:12 阅读: 来源:气动阀厂家

【另类续作】动作跑酷 - 永恒超级食肉男:Super Meat Boy Forever

SMB:F is a totally new touch based super meat boy game for Phones, Tablets and Steam made by Myself and Tommy Refenes.Super Meat Boy:Forever(以下简称SMBF)是一个在原版游戏基础上由我(EdmundM)与Tommy Refenes为手机,平板以及Steam平台制作的全新的游戏FAQ:- SMB:F will release sometime next year for phones, tablets and steam. (possibly others but this is all we have set in stone right now)SMBF会在明年的某时在移动平台与Steam发售(可能有其他平台但目前只有这些)- SMB:F will feature a full story, 6 chapters, and double the bosses the original game featured. SMBF将会有一个完整的故事,6章,并会有原版的boss加入- SMB:F is not an endless runner, but will feature an endless mode with online high scores and daily runs. SMBF不是一个无尽的跑酷游戏,但会有带有在线积分和每日人物的无尽模式- SMB:F will feature a full fledged dark world featuring dark warp zones, bosses, new playable indie game characters and more.SMBF会有原作中完整的Dark World特性,Boss和来自其他独立游戏中的可玩角色(前作的使用角色中有来自Minecraft的Steve,来自VVVVVV的船长,来自I Wanna中的The Kid等角色)- SMB:F will feature a vast randomly generated level structure that ensures a totally new play experience with each death.SMBF会有随机的关卡生成来保证每一次不同的死亡体验- SMB:F is only 2 months into development, but as you can see things are moving pretty fast.SMBF只开发了2个月,但你可以看到进展十分的快THE NOT’S:不包括:- SMB:F is not a simple endless runnerSMBF不是一个简单的无尽跑酷- SMB:F will not use abusive $ tactics to drain your wallet and cheapen the game experienceSMBF不含内购- SMB:F is not a port of super meat boySMBF不是Super Meat Boy的简单移植- SMB:F is not a one button gameSMBF不是单键跑酷游戏- SMB:F is not exclusive to phones/touch screensSMBF不止支持触摸设备Other info:其他信息- Mewgenics is not canceled, we just put it on hold to work full time on this one. once SMB:F is released we will hop back on it. Mewgenics没有被取消,我们只是把更多的时间放在SMBF上。完成后我们会继续制作- A Voyeur for September is not a new game, it was just a code name (and anagram) for Super Meat Boy Forever that tommy made up on the spot a day before pax needed a name for the game we were showing (he wanted it to be a surprise) A Voyeur for September不是一个新游戏,那只是Tommy在PAX前为SMBF想出的代号(也是个字谜)(重组后可得SMBF)前天翻译的内容投错区了,大家凑合看吧


